Monday, September 22, 2008

Your wish is my command

Lately I feel like whatever I ask.... is given. Reconnecting with Sandy is no exception.
Its incredible. She and I fell away about 12 years ago. Our husbands were best friends and although we stayed in touch after Sean and I divorced it was hard on Sandy and Steve to be partial when they were still friends (and always will be) with Sean.
I understood and took the high road and left the friendship behind.
Last month Sandy found me on facebook and contacted me. Mom and I had just been talking about her so it was so amazing when I got her email. We emailed everyday for the past month and finally this past Saturday she came down to visit.
We have some yummi snacks in my backyard, a couple (yes 2) bottles of Sangiovese and talked the night away.
I am so happy we are able to come back together. A few months ago I had told Melissa that I really wanted to have more girlfriends to be able to do stuff with. She and I said prayers and within the week she introduced me to a new friend McCabe, then I befriended a gal at work, Bernie, I flew to NC to visit Mel, Vicki and I reconnected after a year of not talking, Darcy who I hadn't seen since Jr High and now Sandy!!!!!
My little wish came true. Thank you universe for always lookin out for me. Yet another blessing to be grateful for. AMEN ;-)


linda said...

Yes. Things are going your way!! Sooo happy for you. To have wonderful friends to hang out with and really have stuff in common, is priceless. Universe, keep giving Angie the best.. Peace and love, Auntie Lin

Melissa said...

YAHOO...ask and you shall receive! What else can we conjure up?

Love you, Mel

WiZ said...

congrats on being re-united with your friend. that happened to me the other day too